Children and Adolescents BMI Calculator

This website will calculate children and adolescents BMI based on these methods: CDC, IOTF, WHO, As Adult.

Enter child or adolescent information

For multiple records, perform mass calculations by uploading a Comma Delimited CSV file (example file):

CSV file must contain only the following FIVE data fields (without headers):
Record Sequence Number ,  Gender (1 for boy; 2 for girl) ,  Age (in years) ,  Height (in cm) ,  Weight (in kg)

You can create this file using Excel and then save it as Comma Delimited CSV file.

The resulting CSV file will automatically start downloading and will contain the same FIVE data fields plus the following NINE fields in order:
As-Adult BMI ,  As-Adult Centile ,  As-Adult Classification ,  CDC Centile ,  CDC Classification ,  IOTF Centile ,  IOTF Classification ,  WHO Centile ,  WHO Classification

 Copyright © 2015-2025 UAEU, CMHS All rights reserved.
Designed and developed by Dr Sami Shaban for CMHS.
In collaboration with Prof Abdul Kader Souid and Dr Afaf Alblooshi.